
And the winners are…

Congratulations goes to Wesmor Public High School in Prince Albert for the grand prize win of $10,000, and Eaton School in Eatonia for the gold star prize win of $7,500. Students and staff at Eaton School rallied together and earned 13,702 video views to claim the first place spot!

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation thanks the students, teachers and parents who participated in the contest. We hope you had fun sharing what makes your school special with communities throughout Saskatchewan.

Grand Prize Winner

Gold Star Prize Winner

All Video Entries

About the Contest

Students in Grades K-12 in Saskatchewan were invited to create a short video showing us why their school is special and why they like spending their time there. Each participating school could submit up to one video for a chance to win the $10,000 grand prize, and the $7,500 gold star prize was awarded based on the highest number of video views. Videos had to be 4 minutes or less in duration and had to reflect the students’ creativity and vision; however, teachers and parents were invited to help with the filming and editing. The contest ran from May 14 to June 11 and included 36 school videos.