Saskatchewan Understands Math (SUM) Pre-Conference Workshop

March 7, 2023


SKU: PRE SUM 2023 Category:


This workshop is brought to you by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society.

The STF has COVID-19 measures in place. Please review the precautions before attending an in-person Federation event or facility. 

In an effort to reach a wider audience including classroom teachers, administrators
and division office personnel, SMTS is offering a full day pre-conference workshop
with our keynote speaker, Geoff Krall. Geoff brings a wealth of knowledge and
experience as a mathematics educator, and we are thrilled he can join us for this day
of intensive learning. Geoff’s book, Necessary Conditions: Teaching Secondary Math
with Academic Safety, Quality Tasks, and Effective Facilitation
connects directly with
the four pillars of the Provincial Education Plan. In his book, Geoff specifically
addresses academic safety, creating an environment conducive to learning, choosing
and facilitating quality tasks and assessment. This workshop will provide ideas and
strategies applicable to all levels of K-12 mathematics teaching and learning.
To help facilitate an equitable opportunity across the province, each school division
will be guaranteed five spots in this pre-conference workshop.

For more information:
The event listing for the full SUM Conference can be found here

Additional information

Event Details


Registration Information

<p><a class="btn btn–default" href="; role="button">Register now</a></p>

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