Practical and Applied Arts Implementation Working Teams

October 1, 2021

Permission must be obtained from the school division or First Nation education authority before applying.

The Ministry of Education is inviting teachers from school divisions and First Nations education authorities to participate in implementation working teams for new and renewed Practical and Applied Arts (PAA) curricula and for middle years PAA survey courses.

Each working team will meet for an equivalent of two days during 2021-22 to develop implementation supports (e.g., lesson plans, course outlines, materials lists and suggested activities) for the following:

  • Accounting / Comptabilité 10, 20, 30;
  • Autobody 10, 20, A30, B30;
  • Career and Work Exploration / Exploration de carrières et d’emplois 10, 20, A30, B30;
  • Clothing, Textiles and Fashion / Vêtements, textiles et mode 10, 20, 30;\Commercial Cooking / Cuisine commerciale 10, 20, 30;
  • Drafting and Computer-aided Design 10, 20, 30;
  • Electrical and Electronics 10; Electrical 20, 30; Electronics 20, A30, B30;
  • Financial Literacy / Littéracie financière 20, 30;
  • Hairstyling and Esthetics / Coiffure et Soins esthétiques 10, 20, 30; Hairstyling / Coiffure 20, 30; Esthetics / Soins esthétiques 20, 30;
  • Information Processing / Traitement de l’information 10, 20, 30;
  • Life Transitions / Transitions dans la vie 20, 30;
  • Mechanical and Automotive / Mécanique et automobile 10, 20, A30, B30;
  • Robotics and Automation / Robotique et automatisation 10, 20, 30;
  • Theatre Arts / Arts du théâtre 20, 30;
  • Tourism / Tourisme 10, 20, 30; and,
  • middle years PAA survey courses / cours combinés des APA de niveau intermédiaire.

Applicants should have experience teaching the curricula selected or in implementing survey courses at the middle level. The current meeting format is online. If the format changes to in-person, the ministry will provide lunch for all participants. School divisions and First Nations education authorities will be responsible for costs associated with substitutes, meals, travel and accommodation.

This work aligns with Inspiring Success: First Nations and Métis PreK-12 Education Policy Framework, which envisions an education system that foundationally places Indigenous knowledge systems, cultures and languages within the structures, policies and curricula to ensure an equitable and inclusive system that benefits all learners.

Teachers who participated on previous implementation working teams are asked to re-apply; new participants are welcome.

Please complete the application by October 22, 2021.

Contact: Delise Pitman, 306-787-5776, or