Our physical health is just as important as our mental, financial and social well-being. But there’s a lot of information out there, and it can be overwhelming. If you want to set a path towards a healthy lifestyle, but aren’t sure where to start, there’s health and well-being coaching through the MFAP.

Services through health and wellness coaching include the following:

  • Consultation and health assessments
  • Exercise coaching
  • Nutrition coaching
  • Weight management
  • Tobacco cessation
  • Mobile and online tools and incentive tracking
  • Ongoing education and communications


What you can expect

The MFAP will connect you with a certified health and wellness coach. Depending on your needs, you will be placed in an appropriate program and given practical tips to achieve your goals. All programs include five (except for the single-session consultation service) 30-minute sessions over the phone. You may be eligible for additional sessions to help you achieve your goals.

The consultation service is a single session designed to offer you a chance to learn more about the health coaching process and telephonic coaching programs. You can also use the service to help you better understand your biometric screening results.

The exercise coaching program is designed to help people of all activity levels engage in exercise. You work one-on-one with a health coach to develop a personalized exercise plan to help you meet your individual needs and goals.

In the nutrition coaching program, you work with a coach to develop a personalized healthy eating plan to help meet your individual goals and reduce the potential for more serious health issues.

The weight management program stresses healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Working one-on-one with a coach, you will develop a personalized plan to help meet individual goals of losing, gaining or maintaining weight.

The tobacco cessation program provides just the right kind of personalized support to help you kick the habit successfully. A certified tobacco cessation specialist will integrate behaviour-change techniques with a mix of dependence-breaking strategies to help you quit permanently. As with the other services, five sessions are included in this program, but if more sessions are required due to your needs, the program will be adjusted. You can also dial in for support at any time, with no limits on inbound calls.