Teachers Announce Rotating Strike, Withdrawal of Noon-Hour Supervision and Extracurricular Activities

February 24, 2024
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Today, teachers are giving notice of one-day job actions that will include rotating strike, withdrawal of noon-hour supervision and withdrawal of extracurricular activities. These job actions will take place on Tuesday, February 27 at locations throughout the province. By law, 48 hours’ notice is required for job action; however, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is providing extra time to allow families to make necessary arrangements.

Rotating strike action is the withdrawal of all professional and voluntary services for a 24-hour period. Teachers will not report to school and will not perform any teaching-related duties on the day of a strike. Strike action will involve teachers who are members of the following local associations:

  • Association des enseignantes et enseignants fransaskois – École Boréale (Ponteix)
  • Chinook Teachers’ Association – All schools in Chinook School Division
  • Île à la Crosse Teachers’ Association – All schools in Île à la Crosse School Division
  • Lloydminster Teachers’ Association – All schools in Lloydminster Public School Division and Lloydminster Catholic School Division
  • North West Teachers’ Association – All schools in Northwest School Division
  • Prairie Valley Teachers’ Association – All schools in Prairie Valley School Division
  • Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre – North West Campus (Neilburg), South West Campus (Swift Current)

Withdrawal of noon-hour supervision means STF members will not be available to supervise students who are eating lunch at school or taking part in noon-hour activities. Although teachers, including principals and vice principals, often provide lunch break supervision, it is done on a voluntary basis. Student supervision is the responsibility of the school division. Withdrawal of noon-hour supervision will involve members from the following local associations:

  • Holy Trinity Teachers’ Association – All schools in Holy Trinity Catholic School Division
  • Horizon Teachers’ Association – All schools in Horizon School Division
  • North East Teachers’ Association – All schools in North East School Division
  • Regina Catholic Schools Teachers’ Association – All schools in Regina Catholic Schools
  • South East Cornerstone Teachers’ Association – All schools in South East Cornerstone School Division

Withdrawal of extracurricular activities means that STF members who provide voluntary leadership of all extracurricular activities, including sports, non-curricular drama, music and band, science clubs, intramurals, rehearsals, student leadership activities, planning for graduation celebrations, book fairs, and other clubs and activities, will not be available. This includes activities that take place before school, during lunch hour, after school and in the evening. Withdrawal of extracurricular activities will involve members of the following local associations:

  • Creighton Teachers’ Association – All schools in Creighton School Division
  • Horizon Teachers’ Association – All schools in Horizon School Division
  • Prairie South Teachers’ Association – All schools in Prairie South School Division
  • Regina Catholic Schools Teachers’ Association – All schools in Regina Catholic Schools
  • Regina Public Schools Teachers’ Association – All schools in Regina Public Schools

Parents and caregivers are invited to attend the Parent and Caregiver Information Night being offered virtually through Zoom at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 26. STF President Samantha Becotte will provide information about the status of contract negotiations and teacher job action as part of this virtual event. Space is limited to 5,000 registrants, and registration is available on the STF website.

Contact information

Courtney Forseth | Managing Director, Public Relations and Communications



Saskatoon, Saskatchewan