STF President: Government Avoiding Accountability

March 6, 2024
Regina, Saskatchewan

Government has once again announced ad-hoc funding to avoid being held accountable. This is exactly what we predicted would happen and has come only after an enormous amount of public pressure. Our education system cannot function properly if it is reliant on ad-hoc, politically motivated funding announcements that come and go at the whim of the Minister.

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has been clear: We will not return to the bargaining table until government and Saskatchewan School Boards Association are willing to include a firm, irrevocable commitment in the collective agreement.

We have all lived through promises, so-called commitments and election year budgets only to have the funding clawed back or cut a year later. This is not bargaining at the table and it is not an irrevocable commitment in contract. Saskatchewan students, families and teachers won’t fall for it. Despite government’s funding decisions, student needs don’t come and go with election cycles. Our kids deserve better.

Teachers do not want to be taking job action, but government’s intransigence has left us with no other choice. If government would simply bring these offers to the table a deal could be reached very quickly and all sanction activity would stop. If government is truly committed to this funding and improving students’ learning conditions, they will put it in the collective agreement.


STF President Samantha Becotte will be attending tomorrow’s Question Period at the Legislative Building and will be available to speak with media afterwards.

Contact information

Lynn Redl-Huntington, BA | Manager, Communications

