Trauma-informed/sensitive Pedagogies and Practices Certificate

October 2024-December 2024

Please note: Start and end date and time on this event listing are approximate. Please refer to the University of Regina course webpage for start date and time.

In partnership with the Child Trauma Research Centre, a province-wide facilitator community, created this program which is responsive, culturally relevant and grounded in Indigenous wisdom. Delivered through the Centre for Continuing Education (U of R), this microcertificate consists 2 required courses, and a choice between 2 electives for which participants will earn digital badges. Three badges are required to earn a microcertificate.

New Short Courses Help Teachers Tackle Student Trauma Head-on in the Classroom | University of Regina (

Participants will:

  • Explore the nature and implications of trauma-sensitive practice in schools through both western and Indigenous perspectives.
  • Analyze current practice and make adjustments as necessary based on trauma-sensitive principals.
  • Apply trauma-sensitive practice to support personal wellness practices.


  • All educators, Principals, Vice-principals, Educational Assistants, Student Support Teachers

Workshop Cost:

  • $695 per course or register for three courses at once and save 15%.
  • Discount also applies to a group of three or more who register together.

Must register through the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Regina.

Sponsored by: Child Trauma Research Centre

**Register early to ensure a spot!**