Make Your Vote Count

photo of ballot boxSaskatchewan voters will exercise their voice on education issues during provincial and school board elections this fall. Both will play a significant role in shaping the future of publicly funded education.

The need for proper funding and support to meet the needs of students has been identified as a priority for Saskatchewan voters. But with many competing issues and promises, education will only receive the attention it deserves if we do our homework and make the effort to vote and choose representatives who are informed and committed to public education. This can be done by:

  • Learning about the issues and challenges facing education.
  • Reviewing the platforms and campaign promises of individual candidates and provincial parties to ensure education is addressed.
  • Asking informed questions of MLA and trustee candidates who come to your door and attend public forums.
  • Making sure you are registered to vote.
  • Learning where your poll will be located on election day or during advance voting.

Provincial Election

By legislation, a provincial election must be held by October 28, 2024.

The provincial government provides all of the funding for prekindergarten to Grade 12 education in Saskatchewan, and the policy and budget decisions made by the MLAs we elect to government directly impact the state of public education across the province.

Supporting provincial candidates and political parties who demonstrate an understanding of the challenges facing prekindergarten to Grade 12 education and are committed to responding to the needs of students and teachers.

Information about registration, dates, locations and methods of voting are available on the Elections Saskatchewan website.

School Board Elections

Each of Saskatchewan’s 27 school divisions will hold trustee elections on November 13, 2024, in conjunction with local municipal elections.

The role of trustees is to serve as advocates for public education and their first responsibility is to respond to the needs of students, families and teachers. Boards and trustees are responsible for how their school divisions spend funding received from the provincial government. They determine the needs and priorities of their school division and provide local voice and perspective.

Electing candidates who are knowledgeable about local and provincial education issues and are committed to ensuring the voice of parents, caregivers and community is heard at the board table and provincially is the best way to support students and teachers.

If you or someone you know is considering running for a trustee position, contact your local school division for information or the Saskatchewan School Boards Association election guide.