Our Team

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has a bi-level structure with a provincial organization and 26 local associations that work together to fulfil a legislated mandate to serve teachers and the public interest. STF members, as required by The Teachers’ Federation Act, 2006, must belong to both the provincial organization and a local association.

Our team is made up of members elected to governance bodies at the local and provincial levels and Federation staff that manage and deliver a variety of member services and advocate for a publicly funded public education system that benefits all of Saskatchewan’s citizens.

The Council of the Federation is made up of approximately 240 councillors that are elected by teachers through their local associations. Council elects from its ranks the 10-member STF Executive, which appoints a Chief Executive Officer (Executive Director) to manage the day-to-day operations of the provincial organization. Also at the grassroots level, teachers elect an executive to lead each of the local associations.

The Executive Director, Associate Executive Director and members of the senior administrative staff are certified teachers, employed by the provincial organization.