Planning for Retirement

Retirement is one of life’s most important financial and lifestyle decisions. Get the information you need to make the decision that best suits your personal situation.

General information is provided below. For more detailed information, review the Retirement Guide, and contact your pension plan and Service Canada directly.

Making the Retirement Decision

Planning for Retirement Seminars

Every fall the Federation offers Planning for Retirement seminars for members who are thinking about retiring in the next three years. These online seminars provide valuable information about the retirement process, key decisions and the health benefits available in retirement through the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan.

Personal pension estimates are not provided at the seminars. You can generate an estimate by using the online Pension Estimator by signing into MySTF.

Scroll down to Teacher Pension Benefits on this page for additional information on the pension plan.

There are currently no events.

The Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan also offers retirement lifestyle planning seminars. Visit the STS website for more information.

What resources are available to me?

You can generate an estimate by using the online Pension Estimator by signing into your MySTF account.

If you are a member of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan, you can make an appointment with an STRP pension specialist, who will go over your pension estimate with you and explain your pension options. If you are a member of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan, please contact the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission.

You are encouraged to consult a professional financial planner to assist you with your retirement decision. They can help you review your income from all sources and provide advice based on your personal retirement needs.

Teacher Pension Benefits

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan provides retirement benefits to Saskatchewan teachers who began teaching in the provincial PreK-12 system after July 1, 1980. This plan is administered by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation.

If you began teaching in Saskatchewan before July 1, 1980, you are a member of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan, which is administered by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission.

You may elect to retire any time after meeting the eligibility requirements under your pension plan, provided you are not continuing to teach in a position for which contributions are made to your pension plan, and you are not receiving disability payments under the Teachers’ Long-Term Disability Plan or the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Disability Benefits Plan. Request proof of eligibility to retire from your pension plan and ensure your eligibility date and service are accurate.

Generally, the more service you have, the earlier you will be eligible to retire and/or receive an unreduced pension. If you have part-time service prior to July 1, 1991, confirm whether it has been counted for eligibility purposes. If you taught outside of Saskatchewan, you will need to decide if you should purchase any outstanding eligible pension service or transfer existing service to your Saskatchewan pension plan.

Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan

Eligibility for Unreduced Pension Eligibility for Reduced Pension
  • Age + Service = 85 (minimum age 55)
  • 30 years’ eligibility service regardless of age
  • 20 years’ eligibility service at age 60 or over
  • One year or more of eligibility service at age 65
  • 20 years’ eligibility service at age 55 or over

Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan

Eligibility for Unreduced Pension Eligibility for Reduced Pension
  • Age + Service = 85 (minimum age 55)
  • 30 years’ eligibility service regardless of age
  • 20 years’ eligibility service at age 60 or over
  • One year or more of eligibility service at age 65
  • One year eligibility service at age 55 or over


  • Teachers on a full-time contract earn one day of eligibility service for each day worked.
  • Teachers on a part-time contract earn a full month of eligibility service for each month in which they provide service.
  • Substitute teachers earn one day of eligibility service for each day worked.

If you are a member of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan, you can get a pension estimate anytime, anywhere by accessing the STRP Pension Estimator*. This tool allows you to estimate how much your pension will be at a future retirement date, based on assumptions that you select.

If you are within 12 months of your anticipated retirement date, contact the STRP for a formal pension estimate. You are encouraged to request an estimate at least six months before your planned retirement date.

Members of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan should contact the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission for a pension estimate.

Step 1 – Request an application package from your pension plan.

It is recommended that you apply for your teacher pension at least six months before your anticipated retirement date.

Members of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan should mail or fax their request for a retirement package to the STRP and include their Pension Estimate Request form.

Members of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan should contact the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission.

Step 2-  Gather the necessary documents.

  • A copy of the letter from your employing school division accepting your resignation and indicating the effective date. (Applicants are encouraged to forward their forms to their pension plan while waiting to receive this letter, in order to begin the application process.)
  • A copy of your birth certificate or government issued identification indicating your birthdate.
  • A copy of your spouse’s birth certificate.
  • The original or a notarized copy of your marriage certificate (STSP members only).

Step 3 – Complete the forms provided in your retirement package that are applicable to you.

Be sure to keep a copy of the completed application and documents for your personal records.

Step 4 – Mail your completed forms and supporting documentation to your pension plan.

Please allow up to two months to process your application. Once everything has been received, and your school division has remitted your final pension information to the pension plan, your pension will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of your plan. Your monthly pension will be paid on the last banking day of each month.

Notice of Resignation

For a retirement at the end of June, a letter of resignation must be submitted no later than May 31 to your employer.

If you are retiring at any other time of the year and getting hired back on a temporary contract, you must pay attention to the dates that are set by your employer in an early retirement declaration policy, admin procedure or your LINC agreement, though not all employers have these arrangements.

If you are retiring during the year and not returning to teach, you must give 30 days of notice to your employer.

In all cases, you will need to include proof of eligibility to retire, such as the top portion of your pension estimate showing only your eligibility date. There is no need to include financial information.

Below are samples of letters of resignation, depending on the circumstance:

Benefit entitlements will need to be protected if your resignation is tendered earlier than the required 30 days. If you should become ill after tendering an early resignation, there is a risk that you could be denied certain benefits such as sick leave, dental, disability insurance and pension accrual.

If appropriate, your letter should also include acknowledgement that you will receive the retirement gratuity or retirement incentive that is offered at the discretion of the board or as set out in the local collective bargaining agreement.

If you have further questions regarding the resignation process, contact the Federation.

Group Benefits Coverage After Retirement

Coverage under both the Teachers’ Dental Plan and the Members’ Health Plan ends at midnight on your last day of employment. Should you return to teaching under a continuous, replacement or temporary contract, your health and dental coverage will be reinstated.

Retired teachers are eligible to purchase health and dental coverage within 60 days of retirement under a group benefit plan offered by the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan or through private group plans. Visit the STS website for more information.

Retired teachers are deemed to have elected to continue their term life and accident coverage through the Teachers’ Group Life Insurance Plan until age 65, at which time coverage is reduced by 90 percent. Coverage remains at that reduced level until age 85 and then ceases completely.

The full premium is deducted over 12 months from your pension, unless written notification from you is received by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission by August 31 in the year in which you wish the insurance to be discontinued.

Visit the Commission’s website for more information.

Portaplan, established and administered by the Federation, offers up to $400,000 term life insurance coverage until age 70 and gradually declining coverage thereafter.

You are not required to be under contract to purchase or maintain this insurance. Another outstanding feature is that coverage continues if you change careers or move anywhere in the world, as long as the required premiums are paid.

Apply for new or additional Portaplan insurance.

Any new or additional Portalan insurance must be purchased before your 65th birthday (medical evidence of insurability is required). 

Your disability coverage under the Teachers’ Long-Term Disability Plan ends when you are receiving a retirement benefit from the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan or the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan. Also, if you return to teach after you retire, you will not be eligible for disability coverage.

Government Programs

The federal government sponsors the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Programs. You must apply for these retirement benefits. Depending on your income, you may also be eligible for government supplements.

To ensure you are receiving the most up-to-date information available, you are encouraged to contact Service Canada directly to determine when you are eligible for and how much you can expect to receive from these programs.

Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan

The Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan is an independent organization dedicated to promoting the welfare of all retired teachers and to maintaining the ties that bind them to fellow professionals.

The STS:

  • Provides vital, affordable health and dental benefits for retired teachers.
  • Plays an active role in educational affairs through its own independent efforts.
  • Provides input into provincial bargaining when superannuation and the welfare of retired teachers is at stake through eight STS councillors on the Council of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation.
  • Offers social events and the chance to interact with other superannuates through 43 active chapters in large and small communities throughout the province and in British Columbia.

For more information about who is eligible to join the STS and the events and services they offer, visit the STS website.


Use this tool to estimate how much your pension could be at a future retirement date based on inputs that you select.

Pension benefits projected for service after June 30, 2024 are now being calculated based on the new benefit formula.