Penalty Hearings

If the member is found not guilty by a STF Ethics and Practice Committee, the matter is closed. If the member is found guilty, the STF Executive receives a report from the committee and orders a penalty hearing to be held. The Executive does not have the authority to change the guilty finding of the committee. The teacher involved may choose to be represented at the penalty hearing by legal counsel at his or her own expense.

The teacher involved is provided 21 days’ notice of the date, time and location of the hearing. Public notice is given 14 days prior.

At the hearing, the STF Executive decides whether to:

At the conclusion of the penalty hearing, the Executive notifies the member who was the subject of the penalty hearing as well as the complainant(s) of its decision and penalty.

The teacher involved in the case may either accept the guilty finding and penalty or appeal these decisions to The Court of Appeal of Saskatchewan.