
The STF’s investment program is governed by two key policy documents that provide direction on the Federation’s investment methodology and guidelines.

Investment Objectives and Policy Statement

This document guides the methodology and objectives used in the management of the STF’s assets. It sets out investment beliefs, permitted investments, roles and responsibilities, and other administrative guidelines common to all the STF’s funds.

Supporting documentation for this policy is the Statement of Investment Beliefs, which sets out investment objectives and guidelines for the implementation of investment portfolios.

Investment Management Guidelines Statement

The Investment Management Guidelines Statement details the unique investment objectives and constraints for each specific fund the STF manages, along with outlining relevant legislation and governance. It sets the parameters under which each fund can be invested given the nature of the fund’s liabilities and the STF’s investing strategy.

It is also used as a guide for the Investments Services Unit, which is responsible for:

  • investing the Plan’s assets according to the IMGS,
  • meeting with governing bodies and committees to provide information about performance and investment strategy, and
  • providing quarterly compliance reports.