Queer Identity

Policy 1.13 Gender and Sexual Diversity

Queer identity refers to the diversity of the 2SLGBTQ community (two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer plus additional individuals who identify in this group). Gender, gender expression, and sexual diversity are inherent to individuals’ identities.


Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity Toolkit and PD Modules; SK Ministry of Education, 2015

Resource Type: Print, Website, Media (video, PowerPoint)

The Government of Saskatchewan is committed to ensuring schools are safe and inclusive environments for all students, including those who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse. Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity is an online professional learning resource intended for all school division staff. It is intended to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity and to assist staff in providing safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students. The resource includes a number of appendices, such as curriculum outcomes and discussion questions for school-based administrators.

Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity PD Modules; SK Ministry of Education

Resource Type: Print, Website, Media (video, PowerPoint)

GSD Introduction: This section will help guide you through the modules. In alignment with other documents that Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Education has published (e.g., Nourishing Minds, Inspiring Movement), planning for gender and sexual diversity aligns with the four components of Comprehensive School Community Health (CSCH).

Module 1 – GSD 101: Module 1 contains information and resources to help your understanding of gender and sexual diversity.

Module 2 – Understanding the Context of Gender and Sexual Diversity: Module 2 provides information on gender and sexual diversity in Canada. You will also learn about homophobic and transphobic language, mental health of LGBTQ youth and how to create welcoming school environments.

Module 3 – Coming In: Two-Spirit: Module 3 shares the history, background, cultural significance, contemporary understandings and experiences of Two-Spirit identities and the intersectional barriers that Two-Spirit children and youth face in Saskatchewan.

Module 4 – Teaching and Learning: Module 4 focuses on the high-quality teaching and learning component of Comprehensive School Community Health (CSCH). Saskatchewan’s curricula are the foundation on which schools build students’ understanding and knowledge about diversity, equity and human rights.

Module 5 – Healthy Physical and Social Environment: Module 5 focuses on healthy physical and social environments component of Comprehensive School Community Health (CSCH). The module addresses how to make the school culture to be more inclusive.

Module 6 – Effective Policy: Module 6 focuses on the effective policy component of Comprehensive School Community Health (CSCH). The module includes strategies to develop policies and administrative policies that explicitly include gender and sexual diversity and address homophobia/transphobia. Effective polices ensure a safe space for all students and staff.

Module 7 – Family ad Community Engagement: Module 7 focuses on the family and community engagement component of Comprehensive School Community Health (CSCH). Students, families, community members, teachers, administrators, human service providers and government share responsibility for the safety and well-being of all children and youth, including those who are gender and/or sexually diverse. It is important that schools engage their families, School Community Councils (SCC) and others in these important conversations.

Shout Out Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Heterosexism

Resource Type: Print
Publisher: Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF)

Shout Out Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Heterosexism is a booklet designed to educate young people on issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity. Included in the publication is a series of autobiographical stories describing the first-hand experiences of those challenged by these issues, as well as educational information and resources.

Welcoming Space Posters

Resource Type: Print
Publisher: Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation

Welcoming Space posters for use on desks, in classrooms, and public spaces. The text communicates:

  • 2SLGBTQ welcoming messages
  • more generic welcoming messages that are not restricted by gender, colour, creed, religion, culture, ability, or any other defining characteristics.

Gender and Sexual Diversity

Resource Type: Print

Resources related to gender and sexual diversity are available for borrowing at the Emma Stewart Resources Centre. This bibliography provides an annotated list of print and media resources to support your own learning and/or your classroom practice on topics such as:

  • Gender identity; gender diversity; gender spectrum
  • Sexual identity and orientation
  • Intersectionality
  • Homophobia and heterosexism; bullying; stereotyping; suicide
  • Challenging homophobia and heterosexism
  • Queer activism and anti-oppressive pedagogy
  • Coming out/coming in
  • Two-spirit identity (2S)
  • Queer issues
  • Pride festivals; Pride Day
  • 2SLGBTQ icons and heroes
  • Being transgender; transphobia
  • Creating caring, safe, and inclusive schools and classroom environments
  • 2SLGBTQ inclusive pedagogy; anti-oppressive education; disrupting gendered and binary pedagogies
  • Selecting children’s books with 2SLGBTQ content
  • Challenging gender stereotyping in print, media, culture
  • Teachers advocating for 2SLGBTQ students
  • Gay-straight student alliances (or queer-straight student alliances)
  • Queer fiction


Learning Opportunities

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Networking Opportunities

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