Gots and Wants

Gots and Wants

Primary purpose:

Assessing and Reflecting


Learners identify what is working for them about learning and where they need support in order to inform responsive planning.


  1. Learners write “gots” on sticky notes, one idea per sticky note. A “got” might be something learned or a need that is being met for the individual learner. 
  2. Learners write “wants” on sticky notes, one idea per sticky note. A “want” might be a comment about process (go faster or slower), an inquiry for information, or a need for support.  
  3. As the session concludes, invite learners to place their sticky notes on chart papers labeled as “gots” and “wants.” 
  4. Categorize and label the “gots” and “wants” and use this information to inform responsive planning.  


  • Sticky notes
  • Chart paper


Adapted from: