Educational Change in Saskatchewan

sustaining and creating change in education

As part of its broad legislated mandate, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation engages in ongoing advocacy to influence public opinion and to secure for teachers a greater influence in educational affairs. We carry on these activities, in a manner consistent with the public interest, to improve the quality of education and the delivery of educational support for and by teachers.

In our over 80-year history, the Federation and its members have experienced numerous reviews and reports recommending change in educational governance and administration. Since 2000, education in Saskatchewan has undergone a series of changes that included the SchoolPLUS concept, school division restructuring, the move to a centralized funding model of education and the removal of school board access to the local tax base.

In June 2016, the Government of Saskatchewan announced a new transformational change agenda for the education sector that resulted in the December 2016  Educational Governance Review Report Kindergarten to Grade 12 An Educational Governance Advisory Panel was subsequently established to conduct public consultations regarding the report findings and recommendations.

On January 24, 2017, the Federation presented its submission to the Advisory Panel. This included original documents on educational governance, a proposed model of curriculum renewal and supporting the principalship, as well as copies of other recent submissions made to the Ministry of Education on teachers’ perspectives regarding curriculum renewal and education sector planning.

The Government of Saskatchewan released the Educational Governance Advisory Panel Review report and its response on March 22, 2017.

Representatives of the Federation meet regularly with our partners in education to discuss current issues in education. Our advocacy work on behalf of students, teachers and publicly funded public education continues in these and related areas.

Featured STF Submissions and Information

Educational Governance

Educational Governance Advisory Panel Review and Government Response – Information for Teachers (March 2017)

Educational Governance Review Report and Consultation – Information for Teachers (February 2017)

Professional Vision for Educational Governance in Saskatchewan

Educational Governance Review Report Kindergarten to Grade 12– Submission to the Educational Governance Review Advisory Panel

Curriculum Renewal

Curriculum Renewal – Information for Teachers (March 2017)

Saskatchewan Teachers’ Perspective on Curriculum Renewal

Professionally Led Curriculum Renewal Process

The Saskatchewan Way: Professionally Led Curriculum Development

Supporting the Principalship

Supporting the Principalship – Information for Teachers (March 2017)

Supporting the Principalship in Saskatchewan Schools

Education Sector Planning

Education Sector Planning ­­– Submission to the Ministry of Education (January 2017)

Education Sector Planning ­­– Submission to the Ministry of Education (February 2014)

Education Sector Planning ­­– Teacher Engagement With the Ministry of Education (February 2014)