Committee Descriptions


Committee Name Committee Purpose/Focus

Term Length

STF Boards

McDowell Board of Directors To govern the McDowell Foundation.

Three-year term

Pension and Benefits Board of Directors To carry out those responsibilities delegated to it by the Executive related to the STF Long-Term Disability Plan, the STF Members’ Health Plan, the STF Portaplan, STF MFAP program, and the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan. Committee is comprised of members plus two independent professionals.

Three-year term

STF Committee

Accreditation Advisory Committee To provide for an effective, current and relevant professional development program for Saskatchewan teachers participating in the Accreditation Seminars.

Three-year term

Arbos Award Selection Committee To select Arbos recipients (five members).

One-year term

Classroom Complexity and Inclusive Learning Environments Working Committee To investigate beliefs and trends related to safe, inclusive and caring classrooms. This committee will study issues such as supports for students with intensive needs, safe and inclusive learning environments and student discipline. Further, the committee will consider the ways in which these topics contribute to classroom complexity and recommend policy to guide the Federation decisions and activities regarding classroom complexity.

Two-year term

Curriculum and Instruction Working Committee To discuss policies that guide and support teacher participation in areas such as pedagogical approaches, lesson design, assessment practices and blended delivery models.

One-year term

Discipline Committee This is a panel from which members are selected to serve on the Collective Interests Committee and/or the Ethics and Practice Committee, if and when the need arises to constitute one of these committees. These panels ensure the highest standards of collective interests and ethics and standards of practice are upheld pursuant to STF Bylaw 7 (Collective Interests) and STF Bylaw 6 (Ethics and Standards of Practice).
Investment Committee To provide information, advice and recommendations to the Federation’s Executive as it relates to investment portfolios’ performance and compliance with legislation, regulation, bylaws and policies. Committee is comprised of 4-6 independent professionals specializing in institutional investment management, finance, legal and/or actuarial knowledge.

Three-year term

IT Summit Advisory Committee To support the development and the promotion of the annual IT Summit conference. This conference supports a broad range of educators and IT Support staff in highlighting exemplary practices for teaching with technology and supporting student learning.

Indefinite term

Local Associations Grants Committee To review applications and make recommendations to the STF Executive for approval.
McDowell Project Review Committee To support the work of the McDowell Foundation.

One-year term

Presidents’ Forum Planning Committee To consider the issues, trends and challenges affecting local associations and the provincial organization in order to align advocacy efforts.

One-year term

Principal and Vice-Principal Advisory Committee To provide advice to STF Executive and administration regarding the provision of direct supports for principals and vice-principals to address the challenges of balancing management and instructional leadership roles.

Three-year term

Professional Growth Networks Advisory Committee To serve the interests of professional growth networks. Representatives on the PGN Advisory Committee carry out a valuable leadership role for the networks and for the Federation as a whole.

Three-year term

Professional Learning Advisory Committee To provide input and direction to the STF Professional Learning unit to guide its operational planning.

Two-year term

Resolutions Committee To review all resolutions submissions for the Annual and Special Meetings of Council.

One-year term

Supporting Indigenous Ways of Knowing in the Mathematics Classroom Working Committee To support teachers in incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing mathematics into their own mathematics classroom.

Three-year term

Teachers’ Long-Term Disability Plan Claims Committee To hear and adjudicate all new and review applications for disability income benefits.

Three-year term

Women in Education Leadership Policy Implementation Committee To increase the Federation’s understanding of existing and potential barriers to the participation of women in leadership.

Two-year term

Canadian Teachers’ Federation

Advisory Committee on Indigenous Education To provide advice on long-term directions and strategies with respect to Indigenous education in Canada.

Determined by CTF

Advisory Committee on the Status Of Women To provide advice on long-term directions, strategies, policies and regulations that relate to the status of women in education.

Determined by CTF

Advisory Committee on the Teaching Profession To provide advice on important issues and concerns that impact the identity and reputation of public education teachers, ways to enhance professionalism through the work of the CTF/FCE, and relevant specific questions of practice and policy, documents, dialogue and/or events.

Determined by CTF

Group on Eliminating Systemic Racism, Oppression, and Discrimination The advisory group would serve as a resource to provide advice on inclusionary policies and practices; and help identify systemic obstacles and deterrents; assist in identifying resources to support the CTF/FCE and Member and Associate Organizations.

Determined by CTF

Advisory Committee on Diversity and Human Rights To provide advice on long-term directions, strategies and policy related to diversity and human rights issues.

Determined by CTF

Advisory Committee on French as a First Language To provide advice to address Members’ needs and concerns in the area of French-language services and educational development related to French as a first language.

Determined by CTF

Education Sector

Multitype Library Board To provide a forum for appointed representatives of all library sectors in Saskatchewan to meet and discuss ways in which libraries can cooperate to share resources and services.

Two-year term

Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board To establish and administer the professional certification and standards of professional conduct and competence of teachers for the purposes of serving and protecting the public.

Three-year term

U of R Joint Field Experience Committee To maintain a strong field experience in teacher education through a partnership of the educational agencies in the southern region of the province in which the Faculty of Education, U of R places students for field experiences.

Three-year term