Addressing the Tax Credit Delay

May 3, 2022

With Canada’s tax filing deadline fast approaching, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) is informing teachers and education workers across the country to why so many of their tax assessments and subsequent refunds remain unprocessed.

Following a recent meeting with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and the Office of the Minister of National Revenue, the CTF/FCE was finally able to obtain answers to the tax backlog affecting educators. Unfortunately, the lack of communication from the CRA and Government of Canada regarding this issue is extremely problematic.

“It is incredibly disappointing and quite frankly unacceptable how teachers and education workers have been left in limbo. For more than two years they have worked tirelessly under extreme circumstances to keep public education afloat. They are exhausted, burnt out, and frustrated, and this tax credit error only adds insult to injury. They deserve far better than this,” says CTF/FCE President Sam Hammond.

“Not only are teachers and education workers expecting the tax credit, but many are also waiting for desperately needed tax refunds. In the meantime, while we wait for this situation to be corrected the CTF/FCE has met with the CRA, and we are informing our members about what has occurred and what steps are being taken to address it,” says Hammond.

The CTF/FCE has learned that the CRA is delaying processing all tax returns with claims for the Eligible Education School Supply Tax Credit until Bill C-8 achieves Royal Assent. After meeting with the CRA, the CTF/FCE has shared detailed information with Member and Associate Organizations to pass onto their membership. However, there remain questions for the CRA surrounding the delay.

As the CTF/FCE continues to receive inquiries from individual teachers and education workers, each detailing how this situation has caused stress and confusion, the CTF/FCE has created a dedicated email where questions can be sent.

Please send your queries to to receive a detailed explanation of what is occurring with the tax credit and the processing of tax assessments.

In the meantime, the CTF/FCE is in regular contact with the CRA and Government of Canada, urging them to rectify this problem as soon as possible.  

Contact information

Andrew King|Media Contact, Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE)
