Getting to Know GSC: The Change4Life Health Portal

April 21, 2023

Are you looking for ways to improve your health and wellness? Do you need some guidance and support to get started? Check out Change4Life, a free program from GSC that has been designed to help you take ownership of your health and reward you for it too! 

What exactly is Change4Life?

Think of it like your own personal health management program. It includes a user-friendly health portal that offers a variety of tools and resources to help you learn about your health, set goals and track your progress. Some of the features you can access include a health risk assessment, educational modules, targeted communications, and medication and appointment reminders. 

With Change4Life, you can: 

  • Complete a health risk assessment and receive a customized action plan that uses small steps to help build your confidence in taking action to improve your health. 
  • Set and track your personal health goals. 
  • Read health education materials and answer quiz questions. 
  • Sign up for daily medication reminders, refill reminders and appointment reminders using the Stick2It feature. 
  • Monitor your health activities, including tracking your steps, blood pressure, intake of vegetables and fruits, etc. You can even sync your Fitbit! 
  • Plus, you’ll earn points for positive actions that can be used to enter for the chance to win great rewards! 
  • The best part – Change4Life is free! 

Accessing the Change4Life portal is easy. If you are using GSC everywhere through a browser, click GSC Offerings in the top menu bar above your dashboard. If you are using the mobile app, select More in the bottom right corner, then Change4Life under GSC Offerings. 

Log in to GSC everywhere and check it out today!