Saskatchewan Teachers Renew Mandate for Job Sanctions

May 16, 2024
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Teachers have once again shown their resolve for implementing job sanctions, should the Government of Saskatchewan and Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee once again refuse to bargain in good faith on a provincial collective agreement. After two days of voting on May 15 and 16, 83 percent of teachers cast a vote, with 95 percent of voters supporting further sanctions, if needed. With this vote, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation Executive and Teachers’ Bargaining Committee have a renewed mandate to implement the job sanctions they deem necessary until there is an agreement in place.

The sanctions renewal vote follows teachers’ overwhelming rejection of what government called their final offer for a provincial collective bargaining agreement. The Teachers’ Bargaining Committee and Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee returned to the negotiating table on Wednesday afternoon. Talks continued Thursday, and both committees have agreed to meet again on Friday to continue negotiations. Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation members expect that an agreement will be negotiated that will address students’ needs and teachers’ working environments. In the event of another impasse, 48-hours’ notice will be given prior to the implementation of further job sanctions.

“We welcome the resumption of negotiations this week, and we are optimistic that teachers’ decisive rejection of the government’s contract offer, and this renewed sanctions mandate, will serve as a wake-up call,” says STF President Samantha Becotte.

Since negotiations began last May, teachers have been clear that articles addressing issues such as class size and complexity must be included within the agreement. If government remains intransigent or refuses to bargain on these issues, teachers are now prepared to continue job sanctions beyond the end of the current school year.

“The results of these votes demonstrate teachers’ resolve to secure a new agreement that addresses the problems students and colleagues are facing in schools. We are united in our efforts to achieve it,” says Becotte.

In a show good faith and respect for the bargaining process, STF will not be providing comments on the progress of negotiations while they are underway.

Contact information

Lynn Redl, BA | Manager, Communications

