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Source Episode 7: A Conversation on the Calm During Crisis Research Report

Calm During Crisis, a report developed in partnership with the U of R and Faculty of Education, examines the experiences of principals during the pandemic.

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Teachers Inspire

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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

September 30 marks National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We have resources available to help you mark this day.

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Thank You Teachers and School Staff

On behalf of the education sector partners, thank you for your dedication to Saskatchewan students.

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Understanding and Finding Our Way – Decolonizing Canadian Education

Support Truth and Reconciliation. Watch the film and use the Discussion and Facilitation Guides to help advocate for equity in public education.

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Let’s Spread Some Joy

Public education matters. Schools are vital to our communities. Who’s made this year’s challenges a bit more manageable for you?  

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Orange Shirt Day

We are all Treaty people. Every child matters. Find out how the STF is supporting truth and reconciliation in public education.

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U of R Joint Study

The STF is joining the University of Regina on a study into school leadership during COVID-19. All school-based administrators in Saskatchewan are welcome to join.

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COVID-19: Saskatchewan Teachers Speak Out

Is Saskatchewan ready for a safe return to school?

Teachers aren’t so sure.

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Tell Them Tuesday

Join Tell Them Tuesday and tell government what is important to you.

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