Become a School Trustee

School board trustees play an important role in establishing a school division’s priorities, vision, educational plan and annual budget. Trustees work as a team to ensure the educational needs of students come first. As locally elected officials, they are responsible to their community and the families whose children attend division schools.

School board elections in 2020 saw almost 60 percent of trustee positions across Saskatchewan filled by acclamation. The STF believes in the importance of local voice and representation and is encouraging people who care about public education to let their name stand as candidates.

School board candidates do not have to be experts in education, but as advocates for publicly funded education they are encouraged to have strong awareness of the role and responsibilities of their school division, its board and the issues facing education in their community and province.

Elections for all 27 Saskatchewan school boards will be held November 13, 2024. Candidates must be:

  • A Canadian citizen.
  • At least 18 years’ old on election day.
  • A resident of the school division for at least three months and of Saskatchewan for six months prior to nomination submission.

If you are interested in becoming a candidate or know of someone who would make a great trustee, school divisions will issue a call for nominations no later than September 24, 2024, with a nomination deadline of October 9, 2024 at 4 p.m. Potential candidates should contact the office of the school division where they reside for specific information, requirements and nomination forms.

The Saskatchewan School Boards Association offers valuable information, dates and requirements for prospective trustee candidates. Candidates are encouraged to learn more about the issues facing education in their communities by contacting their local teachers’ association.