Food to Learn

Food to Learn

In partnership with Food Banks of Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is proud to continue our campaign called Food to Learn. This campaign aims to raise funds for food banks across the province over the summer months, with a goal of raising $44,000 – a sum that represents the 44,000 people that food banks across the province serve every month – and to raise awareness of the growing need for donations and food bank services for students and families in our communities.

Children who rely on school nutrition programs during the school year do not have access to these programs in July and August, and approximately 40 percent of the people who access food bank services are youth under the age of 18. While food bank donations slow down significantly over the summer, the need for donations remains.

The Federation is once again getting the fundraising started with a donation of $20,000. Members of the public are invited to give what they can, with donations being directed to the Food Banks of Saskatchewan website. With approximately 40 percent of food bank users being youth under 18, these funds will be used to deliver much-needed services for students and families in communities across Saskatchewan.

For more information, check out this year’s campaign announcement news release entitled Food to Learn Campaign Raising Funds for Food Banks.

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