Care 20, 30/Prestation de soins 20, 30 (working title) Information Session

March 21, 2022

The Care 20, 30/Prestation de soins 20, 30 (working title) curriculum is currently being drafted. The Ministry of Education invites school division personnel, principals and teachers from school divisions and First Nations education authorities to participate in an information session. This session is structured to inform you of the proposed pathways and big ideas of this new curriculum. While still in the early stage of drafting, the curriculum may focus on care in the early years and health related sectors, including the roles and responsibilities of early childhood educators and continuing care assistants.

A bilingual half-hour session will be held online on Monday, March 28 from 3:45 to 4:15 p.m. and repeated on Tuesday, March 29 from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m.

School divisions and First Nations education authorities are invited to register for the information session by March 25 at this link.

This work aligns with Inspiring Success: First Nations and Métis Pre K-12 Education Policy Framework, which envisions an education system that foundationally places Indigenous knowledge systems, cultures and languages within the structures, policies and curricula to ensure an equitable and inclusive system that benefits all learners.

Contact: Maria Ferré, Curriculum Consultant, 306-229-9916 or