Early Numeracy Learning Support Project

January 11, 2022

For the 2021-22 school year, the Ministry of Education is offering school divisions, First Nations education authorities and qualified independent schools the opportunity to access targeted funding to support early numeracy. The funding will cover substitute teacher costs for interested Kindergarten to Grade 3 teachers to participate in a session designed to collect feedback on newly drafted math instruction learning supports.

The early numeracy project is designed to support the Provincial Level 1 Priority Action Plan: Learning Response. The collaborative work of teachers within this project will inform math instruction supports for all students. Kindergarten to Grade 3 teachers willing to take part in the feedback session should speak to their principal or superintendent so that a nomination form can be completed and forwarded to the Ministry of Education by February 4, 2022.

This work aligns with Inspiring Success: First Nations and Métis PreK-12 Education Policy Framework, in which the Ministry of Education commits to work collaboratively with all educational partners to strengthen relationships and achieve an equitable and inclusive system that benefits all learners.

Contact: Lisa Eberharter, Curriculum Consultant, Curriculum Unit, lisa.eberharter@gov.sk.ca