Practical and Applied Arts Writing Groups

November 3, 2021

Permission must be obtained from the school division or First Nation education authority before applying.

The Ministry of Education is inviting teachers from school divisions and First Nations education authorities to support curriculum renewal by participating in Practical and Applied Arts writing groups that will meet for approximately five days during 2021-22. Writing will begin in fall 2021 for:

  • Machining 10, 20, 30;
  • Innovative Manufacturing 10, 20, 30;
  • Care (title, focus and levels TBD);
  • Emergency Services (title and levels TBD);
  • Energy and Mines 10, 20, 30;
  • Forestry Studies 20, 30; and,
  • Wildlife Management 10, 20, 30.

The focus of the Care curriculum is yet to be determined, however, early childhood in addition to health care (e.g., senior/long-term) has been suggested.

The Ministry of Education will reimburse substitute costs. For the time being, the ministry is planning for online meetings. Should an in-person meeting be held, meals, travel and accommodation (if travelling more than three hours) will also be covered at approved government rates. The ministry will provide a payment of $300 per day should this work proceed outside of regular school hours.

This work aligns with Inspiring Success: First Nations and Métis PreK-12 Education Policy Framework, which envisions an education system that foundationally places Indigenous knowledge systems, cultures and languages within the structures, policies and curricula to ensure an equitable and inclusive system that benefits all learners.

Please submit your applications by November 12, 2021.

Contact: Delise Pitman, 306-787-5776, or