Timeline for Organization and Preparation 2020-23
The STF Executive and Federation staff will provide opportunities for bargaining discussions and input from STF members, including local association presidents, STF councillors, school staff liaisons and the entire membership. The discussions and input will support the Teachers’ Bargaining Committee preparations before the commencement of the next round of provincial collective bargaining.
A high-level organization and preparation plan is offered in the road map below. The plan shows how time will be utilized to properly evaluate the round just concluded, refine the bargaining strategies based on member feedback, establish the priorities, needs and aspirations of members, and build the asking package for the next round of negotiations that will commence in May 2023.
The road map is “anticipated” and is based on the current social, political and economic context. The Teachers’ Bargaining Committee values input from member voice in supporting their work while recognizing changing contextual realities may require nimbleness in response or approach.
STF member discussion and feedback opportunities include but are not limited to: school staff liaison forums, local association events, local association president gatherings, bargaining resolutions, Council debate of resolutions, a priorities survey, focus groups to refine survey responses and eventual Council debate and adoption of an asking package. We encourage members to join the discussion and support the work of the Teachers’ Bargaining Committee.
Version Notes:
September 2021