Teachers Providing Intensive Supports for Students

Policy 1.10 Intensive Supports

Intensive supports include a range of educational and human resource interventions to optimize student learning achievement that may be, or have been, impacted by cognitive, behavioural, social, emotional or other learning situations.


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Resource Type: Print

Resources related to Autism Spectrum Disorder are available for borrowing at the Emma Stewart Resources Centre. This bibliography provides an annotated list of print and media resources to support your own learning and/or your classroom practice on topics such as:

  • Understanding the autism spectrum and the autistic brain
  • Supporting the development of:
    • communication skills
    • social skills
    • life skills
  • Puberty, sexuality, relationships, gender identity, safety and self-care
  • Strategies for inclusive education
  • Self-regulation interventions and strategies
  • Behaviour supports

EASL/ESL/English Language Learners: Resources to Help You Meet Their Needs

Resource Type: Print

Resources related to supporting English language learners are available for borrowing at the Emma Stewart Resources Centre. This bibliography provides an annotated list of print and media resources to support your own learning and your classroom practice on topics such as:

  • Second language acquisition and learning – understanding second language development
  • Differentiating instruction and assessment for EAL learners
  • Best practices and classroom strategies for teaching EAL learners
  • Literacy instruction; developing reading and listening comprehension
  • Connecting content and academic language – teaching for academic success
  • Teaching vocabulary
  • Picture dictionaries
  • Supporting refugee and immigrant children
  • Engaging families of EAL learners

Response to Intervention (RTI): Resources to Meet Your Needs

Resource Type: Print

Resources related to Response to Intervention (RTI) are available for borrowing at the Emma Stewart Resources Centre. This bibliography provides an annotated list of print and media resources to support your own learning and/or your classroom practice on topics such as:

  • Understanding and implementing the RTI model
  • The role of formative assessment in the RTI framework
  • Differentiating instruction through an RTI framework
  • Academic and behavioural intervention

Teaching Immigrant and Refugee Students

Resource Type: Print

Resources related to understanding and teaching immigrant and refugee students are available for borrowing at the Emma Stewart Resources Centre. This bibliography provides an annotated list of print and media resources to support your own learning and your classroom practice on topics such as:

  • Children of war
  • Refugees – the journeys of children and families forced to flee their home countries; impact of interrupted formal education
  • Immigration and the experience of immigrant families and groups in Canada (e.g., Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian, Chinese, Irish, Japanese, Caribbean, Eastern European, African)
  • Racist historical immigration policies
  • Culturally responsive school and classroom practices to support newcomer and refugee students and their families
  • Connecting with immigrant communities
  • Equity issues affecting immigrant and refugee students and families

Note: Resources from the McDowell Foundation are currently unavailable due to website maintenance. 

Early Education Reading Intervention for ELL Students; Diana Jemieff, Barb Ludba, Corey Holowachuk

Resource Type: Print, Website

This study examines and attempts to develop best practices in reading interventions for English language learners (ELLs).

The project focused on primary grades 1 to 3 and looked at strategies teachers could use to support ELL students.

The research included developing effective strategies, collaborative professional work time, the importance of one-on-one time with ELL students and the value of data analysis to identify students’ needs.

Learning Opportunities

To see what workshops are currently scheduled, please visit the Events Calendar.

Differentiating Instruction and Assessment to Support Middle Years and Secondary EAL Students

Format: Full-day face-to-face session.

Investigate how educators can support middle years and secondary EAL students in developing English language proficiency at the same time as they engage with grade-level outcomes and expectations and explore how these students can demonstrate their understanding of grade-level outcomes at their benchmark levels.

  • Surface and address common misconceptions about second language acquisition.
  • Investigate the potential uses of the Global Data Wall and the Common Framework of Reference (CFR) rubrics to support and guide work with EAL students.
  • Identify the types of learning experiences and strategies that are most effective for EAL students.

Inclusive Practices in Early Years: Supporting Learners with Intensive Needs

Format: Full-day face-to-face session.

Early learning classrooms are increasing in complexity and diversity. This session is designed to support early learning educators and their school team as they explore beliefs around inclusive practices, strategies and adaptations for the classroom environment and a strength-based team approach to support learners at all developmental levels.

  • Reflect on beliefs around inclusive practices, supporting young children with intensive needs and the role of classroom teachers and collaborative team members.
  • Explore and connect understandings of developmental learning continuum, curricular expectations and individual student profiles through holistic, collaborative planning processes.
  • Examine intentional embedding of supports for students with intensive needs through differentiated classroom structures, adaptations to the early learning environment and building networks of support.
  • Experience inclusive practices to actualize and contextualize suggested strategies and resources when planning with collaborative teams, families and the school community.

Promoting Positive Student Behaviour Through Teacher Practice

Format: Half-day virtual session.

Working with students with challenging behaviours can leave teachers feeling powerless. Regardless of the cause of the behaviours, there are some practices that staff can do to reduce and prevent challenging behaviour while supporting positive behaviour change.

  • Understand why problem behaviour might occur.
  • Investigate the foundations of person-centred positive behaviour support.
  • Learn practical strategies to prevent challenging behaviour and intervene before it escalates.
  • Examine how data can be collected and used to monitor behaviour change.

Supporting EAL Students: Foundational Understandings and Practical Approaches

Format: Face-to-face full-day session or virtual convention sessions of 2-3 hours.

As EAL students are welcomed into classrooms, teachers are called to support their acquisition of an additional language within the framework of grade-appropriate curricula.

  • Develop foundational understanding of how students acquire an additional language, including the time frame and progression of skills.
  • Gain practical instructional and assessment strategies that support EAL students in their language acquisition as they engage with grade-level outcomes.

Networking Opportunities

Under development.