Think Aloud

think aloud


Assessing and Reflecting


Learners verbalize their thinking process, or say out loud what they are thinking, which supports metacognition.


  1. Model thinking out loud to make your thinking visible to learners, especially when problem-solving, using meaning-making strategies such as making connections, making inferences, visualizing, determining importance, monitoring comprehension, and making predictions.  
  2. When reading aloud, stop at appropriate intervals and orally complete prompts like these:  
    • So far, I’ve learned … 
    • This made me think of … 
    • I was confused by … 
    • That is interesting because … 
    • I wonder why … 
    • I just thought of … 
    • I reread that part because … 
    • I think the most important part was … 
  3. Provide opportunities for learners to practice think-alouds with partners as they are engaging in problem-solving or with text.  


Think-alouds can provide valuable assessment information about learner thinking as well as opportunities to correct misconceptions or assumptions held by learners.


Adapted from: