Two Stars and a Wish


Assessing and Reflecting


This framework supports learners in providing peer feedback.


  1. Model this strategy using samples of learners’ work before asking learners to do it on their own or with a partner.  
    • Identify two positive aspects of the work of a peer. 
    • Express a wish about what the peer might do to improve an aspect of the work.  
  2. Always link the “stars” and the “wish” to criteria for success.
  3. Provide opportunities for learners to consider and incorporate peer feedback in their work.  


Sticky notes


Two Stars and a Wish can also be used to provide feedback on learning. Two Stars can refer to highlights of the learning and the Wish can provide feedback on what might be improved.   


Peer comments can be written on sticky notes so that if the recipient doesn’t find them useful, they can easily be removed.

In order to teach learners how to give quality feedback, co-construct criteria for high-quality feedback. Work with learners to use these criteria to assess examples of sticky note feedback and determine whether they meet the criteria. Then, display feedback that is considered to be high quality as examples for future peer-to-peer assessment.


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