
You automatically have coverage under the Teachers’ Long-Term Disability Plan if you’re under age 65 and you’re:

  • A teacher employed under a continuous, replacement or temporary contract with a board of education or a conseil scolaire pursuant to The Education Act, 1995;
  • A member of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and a registered teacher employed as a teacher in an alternative independent school or historical high school;
  • Employed full-time or part-time by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation;
  • A member of the League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents (LEADS) and employed by a board of education of a school division; or
  • Employed for 30 hours or more per week by LEADS and hold a valid teacher’s certificate from the Ministry of Education.

Coverage begins on the first day of your contract, provided you’re actively working at that time. If you’re not actively working on the first day of eligibility, coverage will begin on the day you return to active service.

You will not be eligible to participate in this Plan once you begin receiving a pension from one of the following pension plans:

  • Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan.
  • Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan.
  • Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation Employees’ Pension Plan.
  • Municipal Employee’s Pension Plan.

Substitute teachers are not eligible for coverage under the Teachers’ Long-Term Disability Plan.

To be eligible for benefits, you must be either partially or totally disabled as defined under the terms of the Plan.

Important Reminder

Disability benefits don’t begin automatically after your accumulated sick leave runs out. You must apply for benefits and your claim must be approved by the Claims Committee. The application process is quite detailed and may take considerable time to complete. If your claim is approved, you’ll begin to receive benefits when your sick leave expires.


As of July 1, 2024 premiums equal to 0.5 percent of salary are deducted from your pay by your employing school board.

You’re not required to pay premiums after you reach 64 years of age. However, you will continue to be a member of the Plan, if otherwise eligible.

As members pay the full premiums required to provide this disability insurance coverage, any benefits received are tax-free.