Family Coverage

If you are eligible to participate in the Members’ Health Plan, coverage is also provided for your eligible spouse and dependent children (natural, adopted or stepchildren).

Log in to MySTF to edit your spouse or dependant information, or upload student verification documentation.

For purposes of the Members’ Health Plan, the following definitions apply:

Eligible spouse means:

  • Your legal spouse or the person who has cohabited continuously with you in a spousal relationship for at least 12 consecutive months.

Eligible dependent children means:

  • Your unmarried children under age 21. Children under age 21 are not covered if they are working more than 30 hours per week, unless they are full-time students.
  • Your unmarried children age 21 and older but under age 26 and in full-time attendance at an accredited post-secondary educational institution. See Verification of Student Status (below) for more information.
  • Children who are incapable of supporting themselves because of a physical or mental disability are covered without age limit if the disabling condition begins before they turn age 21 or while they are full-time students under age 26, and the disabling condition has been continuous since that time. See Child With Physical or Mental Disability (below) for more information.

If you are the legal guardian of a child who does not meet the definition as stated, please contact the Members’ Health Plan. We will request some additional information from you to determine whether the child may be eligible for benefits.

Verification of Student Status

If your dependent child is age 21 and older but under age 26, and in full-time attendance at an accredited post-secondary educational institution, verification of student status signed by the registrar of the institution your child attends must be sent to the Members’ Health Plan for your child to be eligible for coverage.

The verification document must indicate the student’s full name and the start and end date of classes, and must confirm that the student is in full-time attendance.

Log in to MySTF to upload your student verification document or send it to the Members’ Health Plan.

Confirmation of your dependant’s continued enrolment is required for each year or semester in order to maintain coverage.

Coverage under the Plan begins on the first day of classes unless your dependent child has been a full-time student during the past academic term and is continuing full-time studies in the fall. Coverage is then extended throughout the summer without break into the fall academic term.

Benefits will cease on the last day of the month in which your child completes their education program (i.e., two- or four-year program ends in April, coverage will terminate April 30).

Child With Physical or Mental Disability

If your dependent child is incapable of supporting themselves because of physical or mental disability, we will require a copy of their CRA Disability Tax Credit Notice of Determination when your child turns 21 to support eligibility for continued coverage under the Plan. Your dependant’s coverage terminates when your coverage terminates or your dependant no longer qualifies, whichever is earlier.

Dependant with Special Needs Eligibility form

Survivor Benefits

If a member of the Members’ Health Plan dies while their spouse and dependent child(ren) are insured under this Plan, coverage for the spouse and dependent child(ren) will continue to the earlier of:

    1. The date they cease to be eligible dependants.
    2. Twenty-four months after the member’s death.

If a member’s child is born after his or her death, the child is considered to be an insurable dependant.