Termination of Coverage

Your coverage terminates when your employment ends, you are no longer eligible, you are no longer a teacher as defined by The Education Act, 1995, or the Plan terminates, whichever is earlier.

Teachers who are employed on a temporary contract cease to be eligible for benefits at midnight on the last school day of their contract.

Retiring teachers are not eligible for benefits starting on the date that retirement benefits first become payable under the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan or the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan (your “retirement date”).

If you’re on a school board-approved leave for a period of five consecutive years, coverage will be terminated at the end of the fifth year.

Coverage for Plan members receiving disability benefits from the Teachers’ Long-Term Disability Plan and/or the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Disability Benefits Plan ends on the last day of the month in which the member turns age 65.

Extended Coverage

When your employment as a teacher terminates, coverage is extended under the Plan only under certain circumstances.

Continuous or Replacement Contract

If you’re employed under a continuous or replacement contract that terminates June 30 (or the last teaching day of the school year), and you enter into a like contract of employment on the next school day, you are entitled to retroactive benefits.

Temporary Contract

If you’re on a temporary contract, benefits will cease on the last school day of the contract. If you enter into another contract, benefits will commence on the first school day of the next contract.

Returning to Teach After Retirement

Retiring teachers are not eligible for MHP benefits starting on the date that retirement benefits first become payable under the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan or the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan (your “retirement date”). If after your retirement date, you continue to teach or return to teach under contract, health plan coverage will not recommence until the first school day following your retirement date.

The Federation strongly recommends retiring members apply for health benefits prior to their retirement date to ensure there is no gap in coverage. The Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan provides health benefits for retired teachers and allows its members to suspend coverage if they are returning to the classroom. Applications to the STS must be received prior to the 15th of the month preceding the teacher’s retirement date. More information is provided on the STS website.

If there is a break in service of more than 120 days from your retirement date to the date you return to teach, you will have to satisfy the qualification period (completion of 20 full or partial days of teaching service).