Apply for Portaplan

To initially apply for, or subsequently increase your Portaplan insurance, please complete and submit the following to Portaplan:

  1. Portaplan Insurance Application
  2. Beneficiary Designation form
  3. Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement (optional)
  4. A deposit in the amount of three times the applicable monthly premium

When applying for insurance, medical evidence of insurability is required unless otherwise indicated. Your application will not be accepted if the medical questions under the Statement of Insurability section of the application form are not completed. Additional information may be required in order for the insurer, Manulife Financial, to assess your application. If this is the case, you’ll be advised by mail.

If your application is approved by Manulife, Portaplan will mail you the details of your coverage. If you do not qualify for any reason, you’ll be notified by Portaplan and your premium deposit will be returned to you.

Please note that any new or additional coverage must be purchased before your 65th birthday.

Effective Date

If your application is approved by Manulife Financial, you will receive confirmation of your new coverage and a Certificate of Insurance. The effective date of your coverage will be retroactive to the date Portaplan initially received your application form, provided premiums are paid when due.

Premium Payment – New Coverage

If you submitted a Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement, payment(s) will begin to be withdrawn from your bank account in the month following approval of your insurance.

If you have not implemented a pre-authorized debit withdrawal from your bank account, an invoice will be sent to you and you can choose to pay the amount owing by one of the alternative payment methods available.

Changing Your Personal Information

To ensure you receive the annual premium notices and any policy updates, it’s critical that your insurance records are accurate. You must notify Portaplan if there is a change in your personal information by completing the appropriate forms.

Name or Address Change

Portaplan requires written notification of any address change. Our records are updated as soon as we receive this information, provided the notification is dated and signed by the policyholder.

To change your name or address, complete a Name/Address Change form and mail, email or fax it to Portaplan.

Change in Smoking Status

You must notify Portaplan if there is a change in your smoking status by submitting a Declaration of Smoking Status form. Failure to do so could result in a claim being denied by the insurer, Manulife Financial.

To change your smoking status from smoker to non-smoker, you must not have smoked (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, etc.), used smoking cessation aids, or used any form of tobacco within the last 12 months.

If you have declared yourself as a non-smoker, and you subsequently use tobacco in any of the forms stated above, at any time, you must notify Portaplan of a change to your smoking status.

The applicable adjustment will be made to your premiums effective the first day of the month following receipt of your Declaration of Smoking Status form.

Your Privacy

Portaplan collects personal information relevant to your insurance coverage including your name, address, teacher’s certificate number (if applicable), birth date and dependant information. This information is secured and shared within the Federation and Manulife Financial in order to maintain our databases, and provide insurance and other related services to you. We don’t provide information to anyone other than you, except under specific circumstances, and only when authorized by you in writing.

Contact information




F: 306-374-1122

2317 Arlington Avenue
Saskatoon SK  S7J 2H8

8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.