
Term Life Insurance

You’re eligible to apply for Portaplan term life insurance if you’re under 65 years of age, a resident of Canada and you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You hold a valid Saskatchewan teacher’s certificate.
  • You’re enrolled full-time in the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan or the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina.
  • You’re employed as a secretary or treasurer for a Saskatchewan school division or are a member of the League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents.
  • You’re employed by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation or the TCU Financial Group.

Spouse and Eligible Children Aged 16 to 25

If you meet one of the above eligibility requirements, your spouse and/or 16 to 25-year-old child can apply for their own policy. You don’t need to be a Portaplan policyholder.

Your spouse must be under 65 years of age and a resident of Canada at the time of application.

For purposes of this insurance, spouse means:

  • A person who is your legal spouse, or
  • A person who has lived with you for at least 12 consecutive months in a role like that of a marriage partner.

In circumstances where more than one individual meets the definition of spouse above, the person who qualifies last under the definition will be the eligible spouse.

To be eligible to apply for coverage, your birth, adopted, step or foster child must be at least 16 years of age but under age 26, and a resident of Canada at the time of application.

Dependant Life and Accident Insurance

You must have at least one unit of Portaplan term life insurance to be eligible to apply for dependant life insurance or accident insurance.

Contact information




F: 306-374-1122

2317 Arlington Avenue
Saskatoon SK  S7J 2H8

8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.