
Teacher Required Contributions

Your contributions are automatically deducted from your pay. The amount you contribute is determined through actuarial valuations – an assessment completed by our actuaries to determine the Plan’s financial health. Government contributions are determined through collective bargaining.

Did you know? Your contributions are tax deductible.

The following contribution rate is in effect:

Percentage of Earnings


Teacher contribution rates are based on regularly scheduled actuarial funding valuations performed by an independent actuary, and are subject to the approval of the Council of the Federation on the recommendation of the STF Executive.

Government Contributions

Government contributions to the STRP are negotiated through the provincial collective bargaining process.

The following government contribution rates are in effect:

Percentage of Earnings
Up to the YMPE

Percentage of Earnings
Above the YMPE



The government contribution rate for teachers who do not contribute to the Canada Pension Plan is the rate applicable to earnings above the YMPE.

50 Percent Excess Test

At retirement, termination or death, if your teacher contributions* and interest exceed 50 percent of the lump sum value of your annual pension, the excess shall be refunded to you.

Money and service transferred to the STRP from another pension plan are not included in the 50 percent excess test.

* Contributions and interest are adjusted for any unmatched teacher contributions and interest before the excess test is performed.