Applying for Retirement

Generally, you should apply for retirement at least six months before your planned retirement date to allow time for the completion and collection of all documents required.

To request a retirement package, please complete our Pension Estimate Request Form, and return it to the STRP office. For your convenience, the completed form may be scanned and emailed to

Your retirement package will include a formal pension estimate with options for the payment of your monthly retirement benefit, an application form and several other forms for you to complete and return to the STRP. You will also need to provide the following documentation:

  • A copy of a government issued ID with your full date of birth.
  • A copy of a government issued ID with your spouse’s full date of birth, if applicable.
  • A copy of the letter from your employing school board accepting your resignation and indicating the effective date.

Submitting Your Application Form

Your completed application form (with original ink signature) and all required forms and documents should be submitted to the STRP at least two months before your planned retirement date to allow sufficient time to process your application.

If you elect to retire before you are eligible for an unreduced pension, your retirement date will be the later of the date you are eligible to retire and the first day of the month following the date in which your complete retirement application is received by the STRP.

For more information to help you navigate the retirement process, visit Planning for Retirement.

Contact information

Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan



F: 306-955-1157

2317 Arlington Avenue
Saskatoon SK  S7J 2H8

8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.