Combining the Strengths of Indigenous/Western Knowledges and Ways of Knowing for Effective Writing Instruction

March 7, 2023


SKU: 42089 Category:


The STF has COVID-19 measures in place. Please review the precautions before attending an in-person Federation event or facility. 
Chief Barry Ahenakew was known for stating, “Education is our buffalo. It is our new means of survival”. However, a significant question has been asked: “What should that buffalo look like?” A considerable amount of research calls for culturally relevant pedagogy and meaningful learning activities, but what does that actually look like in the writing classroom? This workshop will explore the components of a comprehensive writing program through the lens of the “8 Ways” Indigenous learning framework as it relates to writing instruction. Developed in collaboration with award winning Metis author Arnolda Dufour Bowes, participants will explore creative ways of inspiring and supporting developing writers.  

Participants Will: Examine Western theories of the foundational components of a comprehensive writing program.  Explore a framework for Indigenous learning and teaching as it relates to writing instruction. Identify, and engage in, practical ways of implementing the Indigenous learning framework in your own ELA classroom. 
Audience: K-12 educators 

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Registration Information

<p>Did you know if you register for this workshop your principal and/or vice-principal can attend with you at half of the regular registration cost? In order to activate this opportunity, please have your administrator contact the STF (<a href="" rel="external noopener" target="_blank"></a> or 306 373 1660) to receive a discount code! Your administrator will need to provide your name and the workshop title when registering.</p>

<p>Registration fees are dependent on time of payment. If received:</p>

<li>Prior to 10 business days before event – Early Bird</li>
<li>Between 4 and 10 business days before event – Standard</li>

<p>Payment must accompany registration. The refund deadline for all workshops and events is 10 business days prior to the start date. Read more about <a href="/node/7227">registrations and refunds</a>.</p>

<p>Registration closing date: May 4, 2023</p>
