Professional Growth Networks

Discover a Professional Growth Network


Visit our list of professional growth networks to find one you want to join.

 Select Your PGN

A professional growth network is intended to support your professional growth and lifelong learning as a teacher through networking, communications and innovative opportunities. They provide the opportunity to connect with like-minded teachers across Saskatchewan and share promising practices and resources related to a specialized area of practice or interest in education.

There are more than 20 networks across Saskatchewan in a variety of subject fields, service areas and interdisciplinary groups.

All networks are supported by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation.

Membership is not limited to teachers but includes any person with a professional interest in the activities of the networks. If you are not a member of the STF, please contact the PGN directly for information on how to join their network.

Benefits of Joining

  • Network and learn from colleagues who share similar areas of interest.
  • Attend conferences and workshops to gain insight and enhance your skills.
  • Stay on the leading edge in your area of interest through the publications, newsletters and journals available to you.
  • Celebrate the accomplishments of students, teachers and schools.
  • Engage in research that contributes to the improvement of teaching and learning.

Play a leadership role in education in Saskatchewan by being a part of a group of organizations that:

  • Address issues and challenges facing schools today.
  • Raise awareness and encourage discussion through submission of resolutions to the Federation’s Annual Meeting of Council.
  • Help develop policy in areas such as evaluation.
  • Help shape implementation of renewed curriculum.
  • Support and enable research and facilitate projects of benefit to students, teachers and the community.
  • Recognize excellence through awards and other programs.

For more information on membership, contact


Why Join?

A PGN membership comes with many benefits.

Hear How Professional Growth
Networks Support Their Members!

Professional Growth Networks

Saskatchewan Business Teachers’ Association (SBTA)
Association Professionnelle des Enseignants Fransaskois (APEF)

Saskatchewan Early Childhood Education Council (SK ECEC)

Physical and Health Education Saskatchewan (PHES)
Saskatchewan Association of Teachers of German (SATG)
Saskatchewan Middle Years Association (SMYA)
Saskatchewan Music Educators Association (SMEA)
Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society (SMTS)
Saskatchewan Science Teachers Society (SSTS)
Saskatchewan Teachers of English as an Additional Language (SK TEAL)
Saskatchewan Teachers of Ukrainian (STU)
Saskatchewan Association of Student Council Advisors (SASCA)
Saskatchewan Career and Work Education Association (SCWEA)
Saskatchewan School Based Leaders (SSBL)
Saskatchewan Home Economics Teachers’ Association (SHETA)
Saskatchewan Association of Teachers of French (SATF)
Saskatchewan Drama Association (SDA)
Saskatchewan Teachers of Applied Technology (STAT)
Social Studies Saskatchewan (SSS)
Saskatchewan Outdoor and Environmental Education Association (SaskOutdoors)
Saskatchewan Art Education Association (SAEA)
Saskatchewan UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (SK UNESCO)
Literacy Educators and Resources Network (LEARN)
Saskatchewan Special Educators Network (SSEN)

Contact information



F: 306-374-1122

2317 Arlington Avenue
Saskatoon SK  S7J 2H8

Arbos Centre for Learning
2311 Arlington Avenue
Saskatoon SK  S7J 2H8

8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.