Advisory Committee

The basic purpose of the Professional Growth Networks Advisory Committee is to serve the interests of professional growth networks. Representatives on this Committee carry out a valuable leadership role for the networks and for the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation as a whole. Involvement with the Committee is also an important and rewarding opportunity for professional growth.

Terms of Reference

The Professional Growth Networks Advisory Committee shall:

  1. Promote awareness and understanding of professional growth networks within the teaching profession.
  2. Support professional growth networks by providing information and responding to requests or questions about Federation policies, procedures and services affecting the networks.
  3. Address issues of common concern to professional growth networks.
  4. Take a lead role in planning programs or activities for professional growth network executives.
  5. Screen special project grant applications and recommend projects for approval by the STF Executive.
  6. Make recommendations to the STF Executive regarding the establishment or dissolution of professional growth networks.
  7. Make recommendations to the STF Executive regarding professional growth network constitution amendments.
  8. Ensure professional growth networks meet their annual criteria for affiliation and grants.
  9. Review special project grants, constitutions and membership information.
  10. Develop recommendations on behalf of professional growth networks to the STF Executive.
  11. Provide an annual report to the STF Executive.


The Professional Growth Networks Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the STF Executive and is comprised of up to nine members consisting of:

  • Five professional growth network representatives
  • Two Federation staff members including one staff member from Professional Learning
  • Managing Director, Member Experiences and Operations

The five representatives from professional growth networks are selected according to the following:

  • Opportunities to serve on the Professional Growth Networks Advisory Committee are invited through an application process.
  • Professional growth networks are encouraged to support members when applying for a position on the advisory committee.
  • A representative must be a member of the Federation and a professional growth network.
  • Principles of equity and diversity apply to all Federation standing committees.
  • When unforeseen vacancies occur, the advisory committee may recommend to the STF Executive the position be filled as above or remain vacant until the representative’s current term ends.

2024-25 Advisory Committee Members

Laurie Colhoun Saskatchewan School Based Leaders
Michael Graham Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society
Stefanie Sweeney Literacy Educators and Resources Network
Tracy Johnson Saskatchewan Music Educators Association
Tricia McEwen Saskatchewan Teachers of English as an Additional Language
Denise Heppner Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation
Derek Barss Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation
Scott Burant Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation

Term of Office

The term of office for the five representatives from professional growth networks is three years and runs from July 1 to June 30.


The Professional Growth Networks Advisory Committee must meet at least three times per year from July to June. Meetings are typically held in September, January and May.

Advisory committee members are reimbursed for approved expenses in accordance with Federation rates and policies established by the STF Executive. The Federation also covers substitute teacher costs when necessary.

The chairperson is selected on an annual basis from the five professional growth network representatives and is responsible to:

  • Chair meetings of the Professional Growth Networks Advisory Committee.
  • Take a leadership role in the delivery of programs and activities of the advisory committee.

Administrative functions are provided by the Federation.

Annual Report to the STF Executive

The Professional Growth Networks Advisory Committee is required to provide an annual report to the STF Executive that summarizes its work and promotes awareness. This report refers to the advisory committee’s terms of reference and is submitted in June.

Conference Attendance

Teacher representatives of the Professional Growth Networks Advisory Committee are able to attend one conference per calendar year of a network other than the network for which they already have a membership. All expenses to attend this conference, including registration fee, travel, substitute teacher, etc., are paid by the Federation.