Professional Growth Networks Toolkit


The name, professional growth networks, emphasizes the purpose of the networks and is intended to strengthen teachers’ capacity to advocate for school divisions and the provincial government to support teachers’ membership and participation in professional growth networks.

The networks support professional growth and lifelong learning of teachers through networking, communications, innovative professional growth opportunities and sharing of promising practices and resources related to a specialized area of practice or interest in education. Members of the networks are also provided with publications, programs and opportunities to engage in research that contributes to improvement of teaching and learning.

This toolkit is designed to provide information on all aspects of professional growth networks including establishment and affiliation, governance, finances, services, and roles and responsibilities.

Fillable PDF forms are available in each section.

Professional growth networks should forward all correspondence, financial documents, minutes and reports, as well as projects for Design and Production, advertisements for the Saskatchewan Bulletin, or inquiries for the Emma Stewart Resources Centre and STF Professional Learning to:

Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation
2317 Arlington Avenue
Saskatoon SK S7 J 2H8
T: 306-373-1660 or 1-800-667-7762 F: 306-374-1122


Learn about the required processes to establish, maintain affiliation or dissolve a professional growth network.

Learn about your role and responsibilities as a member of your professional growth network and become familiar with the required bylaws and policy related to the governance of your network.

Learn about the documentation required to receive a basic grant for your professional growth network and learn how to apply for special project and national conference grants. Also, learn how to report your network’s finances.

Learn about the professional growth opportunities available for your professional growth network members.