I Have a Concern

Talking With the Teacher

Children and youth have the right to receive the highest standard of education possible to reach their full potential, and to be safe and protected from all forms of harm while in the care of any person. They also have the right to participate and voice their opinions about matters that affect them.

Students, parents or members of the public who have questions or concerns about a teacher’s professional conduct or competence are encouraged to talk with the individual first unless it is a matter of harassment, abuse or constitutes a criminal offence. In these cases, there is a statutory duty to report the issue to the proper authorities.

Talking with the teacher has proven to be the most effective and timely way to resolve these situations. Parents are also encouraged to engage early and often with their child’s teacher to develop an ongoing relationship that can facilitate the early resolution of any questions or concerns as they arise. If after talking with the teacher the issue remains unresolved, the next step is to elevate the questions or concerns to the principal and/or the employing school board or conseil scolaire.

Elevating the Question or Concern

Supervision and evaluation of teachers is the responsibility of school-based and school board administrators as part of the employer/employee relationship. Their role is to provide the appropriate supports for teaching and learning, and to work with teachers to develop a classroom and school environment that nurtures student well-being and growth.

Students, parents or members of the public who have questions or concerns about a teacher’s professional conduct or competence, that have not been resolved by talking with the individual, are encouraged to share the situation with the principal. If this does not resolve the issue, the next step would be to engage with the school board or conseil scolaire.

When questions or concerns are not resolved at the school or board level, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and/or the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board may be able to assist.

Harassment, Abuse and Criminal Offences

There are rare occasions where the conduct of a teacher may constitute harassment, abuse or a criminal offence. In these cases, everyone has a statutory duty to report the information to the proper authorities.

The response to allegations of harassment or abuse of any person by any person in a school may be found in school board or conseil scolaire policy. Allegations involving harassment or abuse should be made to school authorities unless they are believed to be criminal in nature in which case they should be made directly to police. Board authorities may also determine that reporting to police is appropriate when they learn of the situation.

Conduct that warrants reporting to police may include allegations of sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching, sexual exploitation, production and/or distribution of materials depicting the sexual victimization and exploitation of children, corrupting or luring of a child, sexual assault or kidnapping.

Criminal allegations and convictions for any of the above offences automatically initiate suspension and/or dismissal from employment processes by the school board or conseil scolaire, and a professional complaint process by the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board.