STF Website Renewal Project

We’re getting very excited to start designing the new STF website. We’ve already gathered valuable insights on your experience with the current site from nearly 2,000 online teacher survey responses. The results show that experience isn’t meeting your expectations. Our goal is to close that gap.

Here’s an overview of what we learned:

The website is an important STF resource for our members.
29% of surveyed members visit the site weekly. 53% of surveyed members visit at least once a month.

Its usability and functionality reflects on the Federation as a whole.

The quality of the site doesn’t match the importance teachers put on the site as a resource.

It could be easier to use.

Teachers want the website to do more for them.

Understanding these results is an important step in planning the design of the new website. But we still have more to learn before we start designing a solution.

Next Steps

Member Experience Design Exercises
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One of the themes we heard from our recent member survey was that members found it difficult to find information on our current website. During September and October, we’re running a series of short, fun online exercises aimed at helping us re-organize our content to be more intuitive to navigate. They’re simple to do, and taking part will go a long way in improving the new website experience for you and your fellow STF members.

Start the Exercise Now

Follow Up Member Survey

Later in September, we’ll be asking members to fill out another survey to follow up on some of the things we’ve learned. Watch your preferred inbox for your opportunity to take part.

By the end of the calendar year, the input we receive from members will be analyzed and turned into a roadmap for the website renewal project. At each step of the new website’s design and build, teachers’ feedback will guide our decisions.

Looking for more ways to share your input?

Join the STF Website Renewal Community to:

  • Stay Informed: Receive regular project updates, including survey results.
  • Get Sneak Peeks: Be the first to see previews of our new designs and features.
  • Share Your Input: Stay up to date with future opportunities to share your input and guidance.

Join us now and help create a better digital experience for all STF members.